A content analysis of Magnolia Journal - a magazine all american by Joanna Gaines, founder of Magnolia Home
Wassail was originally a word used to greet someone. The concept of 'wassailing' dates back to pre-Christian fertility rites: in these ceremonies, villagers would walk through fields and orchards in the middle of winter, singing and shouting to drive away spirits that might hinder the growth of future crops. They poured wine and cider on the ground to promote a fruitful harvest.
Over time, this concept evolved into the idea of carol singing, which became popular in the Victorian era and is still practiced in many countries today.
Read the interview with Francesca, creator of the Instagram page @a_look_to_the_alps to learn more about ancient traditions, Yule and the magic of the winter solstice.
I am Lisa, architect, fantasy addicted and short story writer. Together we'll create a place to live at your own speed, where you can gather with your loved ones and write your own story.
A content analysis of Magnolia Journal - a magazine all american by Joanna Gaines, founder of Magnolia Home
Vintage: a quite successful current of style, or a reading key in the case that grandma's furniture was the only choice for furnishing the house?
I am Lisa, architect, fantasy addicted and short story writer. Together we'll create a place to live at your own speed, where you can gather with your loved ones and write your own story.